
The Department of Internal Medicine is one of the core specialties providing outpatient and inpatient services for a wide range of medical illnesses and emergencies. The department is staffed with highly experienced consultants and specialists rendering expert service in a caring and friendly environment.


The department, apart from the large general medical component, also encompasses a range of subspecialties. The subspecialties under its umbrella are the Endocrinology, Metabolism, gastroenterology, neurology, immunology, pulmonology etc. The services offered include outpatient consultation, inpatient care, Speciality clinics and emergency services.

Staff Details

Consultants and specialists are highly qualified, experienced and MOH licensed. There is one endocrinologist with special interest in diabetes and obesity. We have a neurologist, with special training in the field of stroke management. We have a consultant, who has special training in immunology with special interest in allergic disorders of respiratory system. Also we have two gastroenterologists. Among the staff there is a lady consultant, physician and a lady gastroenterologist, which is a big asset to the department.

Resident Medical Officers are medical graduates certified by the MOH, have sufficient training and experience to manage the inpatients, all common emergencies under the guidance of the consultants and specialists.

The clinical nutritionist provides an important support by advising the patients about the diet for patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity and range of other disorders. The nutritionist also supervises the diet supplied to the inpatients.,

The secretary organizes the teaching program for MBBS, BPT & DMD students and also arranges patient appointments in consultation with reception desk.

We have well-qualified & MOH certified nurses & assistants who are well versed in all routine nursing procedures. They are compassionate, courteous and always ready to help the patients.


The department offers the following services

  • Outpatient Services
  • Inpatient Services: Male & female wings include general wards, private rooms and deluxe suites
  • Emergency Services: Round the clock emergency care by resident medical officers with consultant/specialist on call

Specialty Clinics

Diabetes and endocrinology:
The department has a special clinic for diabetes and endocrinology that deals with :

All types of diabetes with comprehensive counselling regarding the daily diabetic care and long term follow up with dietary management of diabetes and its complications through team care.
Obesity and eating disorders
Disorders of thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and other endocrine problems
Abnormal hair growth and menstrual irregularities in females including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Lipid disorders
Osteoporosis and menopausal problems


  • Neurology clinic is opened and able to follow up the following patients
  • Stroke and cerebrovascular accident patients
  • Epilepsy patients
  • Involuntary movements (parkinsonism and the involuntary movement patients)
  • Migraine and its variants
  • Back pain and non surgical treatment of disc prolapse
  • Peripheral neuropathy and its variants
  • Muscle diseases
  • Demyelinating disorders (multiple sclerosis)
  • Cerebral palsy patients
  • Full neurological check up for high risk patients (diabetic, hypertensive patients) with applying prophylactic programs against stroke
  • EEG for epilepsy patients and visual evoked potential (VEP) for demylinating disorders


The Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology offers comprehensive services to patients with gastrointestinal and liver disorders in an evidence based fashion.

Referral Services

Provide consultation to patients referred from other specialties

The hospital is equipped to carry out the following procedures:

  • Our physicians have expertise in treating Hypertension, Diabetes, Ischemic heart disease, Asthma , Gastrointestinal diseases and Endocrine problem .
  • The hospital has a state of the art ICU with facilities for bedside and central monitoring . It is fully equipped for artificial ventilation of patients with respiratory failure.
  • Dynamic testing of various endocrine functions
  • Thyroid ultrasound and fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology
  • Electrocardiogram, Echocardiography, Ambulatory BP monitoring, Holter monitoring and stress exercise test
  • Ultrasonography, Vascular Doppler Study, CT scan

Upper GIT Endoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy

  • Spirometry, Bronchoscopy – diagnostic and therapeutic

Social Services

The department conducts free medical camps periodically for special groups such as diabetes, allergic disorders etc. Some of our consultants participate in:

  • Patient education programmes over radio, television
  • Telemedicine


The department is involved in the full time teaching programme for the following courses

  • 3rd year MBBS
  • 4th year MBBS
  • Bachelor of physical therapy (BPT)
  • Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
  • Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D)

Apart from this the department participates in the academic activities of the institute such as

  • Clinical Society Meeting ( monthly)
  • Journal Club Meeting (monthly)


Contact Us

P.O Box: 4184 , Ajman, UAE
Tel: +971-6-7463333
Fax: +971-6-7464444