Internal Medicine
- Allergies, sinusitis, and pharyngitis.
- Evaluation and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications
- High Blood Pressure
- Hyperlipidemia
- Endocrine disease such as Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, parathyroid disorders etc.
- Anemia including Iron deficiency Anemia B 12 deficiency etc.
- Arthritis and common Rheumatological disorders.
- Osteoporosis and bone health.
- Lung Disorders, including pneumonia, Covid -19, asthma, chronic Bronchitis.
- Gastro-Esophageal reflux, gastritis, infectious diarrhea, IBS, H Pylori and fatty liver.
- Headache and migraines.
- Infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and tuberculosis.
- Urinary tract Infections, evaluations of kidney stones and mild BPH.
- Cancer Screening Advise.
- Alcohol and smoking cessation.
- Nutrition and health, counselling and obesity Management.
- Adult Immunization and medical Checkup.
- Immunization services
- Adolescent health services
- Nutrition and behavioural services
- Acute and Chronic care for Paediatric diseases
- Asthma
- Respiratory infection.
- Atopic dermatitis
- Chronic Lung Disease Management.
- Gastrointestinal & Renal disorders.
- Congenital abnormalities
- 12 –leads surface electrocardiogram.
- Exercise treadmill Testing (Stress ECG).
- 24 hours Ambulatory ECG monitoring (Holter Monitoring).
- 24 hours Ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring.
- 2 D ECHO
- Consultation to other Departments.
- Liaison Services to other departments.
- Teaching and training services for students of the Gulf Medical University.
- Skin Biopsy
- Electro surgery
- Cryotherapy
- Treatment for STDs
- Acne Scar Treatment
- Anti-Aging Treatments
- Hair Loss Treatments
- Basic Nephrology care
- Dialysis Service.
Accident & Emergency
- Urgent Care and Treatment
- Paediatric or Medical Emergencies from minor illnesses to moderate illnesses and minor trauma cases
- Well- equipped Resuscitation rooms
- Full-fledged procedure room with Minor O.T.
- Isolation Room
- Day care
- Safe and Effective Anaesthesia for surgical specialties – General, Regional, Moderate & Deep Sedation,
- Pain Management
- Resuscitative services including basic and advanced life support
General Surgery
- Basic and advanced laparoscopic procedures including Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Appendectomy, Laparoscopic Variocelectomy, Laparoscopic Hernia Repair.
- Breast surgery for lumps and infection.
- Thyroid (total and subtotal thyroidectomy), other neck and face swellings.
- Gastro-intestinal tract surgery – intestinal resection and anastomoses including colectomy.
- Anal surgery including anal fissure, haemorrhoids ( Laser and stapler), Anal fistula and other anorectal procedures.
- Circumcision for infants’ babies, children and adults.
- Excision of cysts, lipoma, sinuses, in growing toe nail other small and large skin and subcutaneous swellings.
- Surgical emergencies
- Varicose vein treatment, radiofrequency ablation, Laser treatment. (EVLT)
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetric services:
- Care of Pregnant women from early pregnancy till 34 weeks of Gestation.
- Management of miscarriage
- Offering Dietitian services
- Postnatal Services and Contraception
- Outpatient pelvic Ultrasound
- Cervical screening (cervical cytology, HPV testing)
- Outpatient endometrial sampling
- Insertion and removal of intrauterine contraceptive devices and system (Mirena)
- Insertion and removal of nexplanon
- Minor surgery for Benign Gynaecological conditions including Bartholin cyst, D & C.
- Medical management of ectopic pregnancy
- Cervical cone biopsy
- Infertility evaluation and medical management
- Arthrotomy, with joint exploration, with or without biopsy
- Biopsy, soft tissue/bone
- Carpal tunnel / Cubital tunnel nerve decompression
- Closed treatment for dislocations
- Closed treatment / fractures of upper/lower limb both adult and pediatric
- Curettage / bone grafting for bone cysts
- Dequervains release wrist
- Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor
- Excision, of bursa various anatomical sites
- Excision of ganglion from wrist/ hand
- Exploration Removal of foreign body from extremities
- External fixation of bone
- Sequestrectomy (eg, for osteomyelitis or bone abscess)
- Percutaneous skeletal fixation for fractures adult and pediatric
- Open reduction and internal fixation of fractures adult and pediatric
- Removal of implants from bone
- Tendon sheath incision (eg, for trigger finger)
- Wound debridement, exploration in open injuries /fractures
- Diagnosis & Treatment Glaucoma
- Diagnosis & Treatment Diabetes clinic
- Vision testing, spectacles, contact lens prescription
- Extraocular foreign body removal
- Lacrimal syringing,Probing of nasolacrimal duct
- Fundoscopy, Optical coherence tomography
- Gonioscopy, Tonometry, Visual field testing
- Eyelid, conjunctival, corneal laceration repair
- Incision and curettage of chalazion
- Pterygium excision with graft
- Eyelid and conjunctival tumour excision
- Entroipon, Ectropion correction, Tarsorrhaphy
- Dacryocystectomy, Dacryocystorhinostomy
- Otology-Treatment of diseases related to Ear
- Rhinology-Treatment of sinus and nasal disorders
- Laryngology-Treatment of infections of the throat and larynx
- Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology that deals with diagnosis and treatment of congenital diseases/ conditions.
- Laparoscopic Variocelectomy,
- Microscopic Variocelectomy,
- Uro-gynecological surgery for incontinence.
- Laser Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
- All Urinary bladder, Ureter, Prostrate, Urethral surgeries and endoscopy
- Urology Surgeries like Penile surgeries , Seminal vesicles and vas deference surgeries
- Stents Placements
- Emergency Department: 24 hours
- Outpatient Clinics: 9am to 9pm
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Digital Mammography (3D)
- Bone densitometry (BMD)
- Conventional and Portable X ray
- Medical Records Department
- Biomedical Engineering
- Patient Affairs Department
- Guest service department
- Insurance Department
- Housekeeping
- Security and Maintenance
- Mortuary
- Human Capital Management
- Dietary Services
- Purchase & Store
- Marketing Department
- Facility management and Safety Department
- Information Technology department
- Pharmacy (IP and OP)
- Central Sterile supply Department