Urology problems in Men

The branch of medicine that focuses on health conditions that are related to the genito-urinary system is known as urology and the doctors who specialize in this branch are known as urologists. They address health issues related to the urinary and reproductive systems like the prostate, epididymis, seminal vesicles, and testes. These urology problems in men could be related to aging, genetics, cancer, infections, or injury. If unattended for a long time, it could lead to infertility, pain due to benign lesions, or urinary incontinence. At Thumbay, we have expert urologists to diagnose the root cause of the urology problem and treat them with the latest medical procedures. Now, let’s take a look at the common urological health issues that occur in men.

Male Urology Problems and Conditions

Urological health problems in men

Congenital problems:

Congenital conditions are birth defects that can be diagnosed during the prenatal or infancy stage. Some of these conditions may not be detected until adolescence or adulthood. Renal agenesis is a condition where one or both kidneys are not formed during birth. Renal hypoplasia is when the kidney is not completely developed. When the kidney is abnormally located, the condition is called Renal ectopia. In some cases, abnormal structures could be formed inside the kidney, which is called Renal dysplasia. Abnormality in the urethral passage could stop the free flow of urine which could damage the urinary tract and kidneys. This condition is called Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV). Early detection is the key to treating these conditions most effectively.

Urinary Incontinence:

In this urology problem in men, the pelvic wall muscles become weak which could lead to involuntary urination. It is a common problem seen in aged men who may not have control of their bladder while doing certain activities like laughing, jogging, coughing, etc.


Infertility is a health condition when a couple is unable to conceive a child even after over 2 years of unprotected intercourse. Many factors could lead to infertility in men such as Hormone levels, mood, low sperm count, and stress. Many of these conditions can be reversed with the help of the right treatments at the right time.


It is an infection in the prostate gland which is non-cancerous and the symptoms are similar to UTI. Common symptoms include pain while urinating, and lower back, abdominal and pelvic pain.

Erectile Dysfunction:

This condition is when a man is unable to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. It could also lead to depression and embarrassment in men. Erectile Dysfunction can be treated with the help of medications and procedures such as hormone replacement and penile prosthesis.

Prostate Cancer:

The prostate gland is responsible for protecting and transporting sperm. Cancerous cells in the prostate gland can multiply and grow very fast. Getting PSA levels checked annually for men above the age of 50 every year is important to ensure the early detection of prostate cancer.

Testosterone Deficiency:

Testosterone is a hormone that’s required for healthy sexual functions, and the development of a deeper voice, or facial hair in men. The hormone is produced by the testicles and its lacking could lead to poor erection and depression.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):

This is a non-cancerous medical condition where the prostate gets enlarged which creates pressure on the bladder and results in frequent urination. One may also feel that the bladder has not completely emptied after urination, or the flow of urine is slower without any force.  The condition is generally seen in men over the age of 50. If not treated at the right time, it could lead to urinary tract infections. In certain severe cases, surgery might also be required.

Symptoms Related to Urology Problems in Men

The common symptoms of urology problems in men include

  • Pain in genitals, lower back, or flanks
  • Difficulty, pain, or burning sensation during urination
  • Certain types of discharge or blood found in urine
  • Fever and chills with urinary symptoms 

These symptoms may or may not indicate urological problems. Many of these health conditions may not produce any symptoms at all until the disease progresses further. That’s the reason why it is very important to get yourself tested regularly so that these problems are identified at an early stage.

Urology tests and procedures vary depending on the root cause of the health condition. After a thorough diagnosis, our expert urologists advise on the relevant treatment program. At Thumbay Hospital Fujairah, we have all the latest medical technologies and treatment options available to manage different urology problems in men. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to urology problems in men, then get in touch with our expert panel of doctors today.