A 52-year-old Nigerian woman patient successfully underwent a complex arthroscopic knee surgical procedure at Thumbay Hospital – Ajman, following a severe road accident at her hometown in Nigeria, which had caused knee dislocation with multiple ligament injuries.
The patient had initially approached a local hospital, where her injured knee was plastered and she was referred to a higher medical center. However, considering the complexity of the injury and the need for advanced treatment, she decided to seek treatment in the UAE, and chose Thumbay Hospital – Ajman.
The patient reached Thumbay Hospital – Ajman two weeks after the accident. She was attended by Dr. Mujeeb Mahammad Shaik, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Head and Consultant (HOD), Orthopedic Surgery. Her injury was extensively investigated using X-rays, MRI scans, Doppler scan etc. The doctor diagnosed her injury as a case of complete disruption of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) and Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and partial disruption of the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL). He decided surgery as the best course of treatment in the first stage, to repair the collateral ligaments.
The patient subsequently underwent extensive physiotherapy, and had knee brace support. Eventually, she was able to recover 0-100◦ of her knee movements. She later underwent arthroscopic reconstruction of both ACL and PCL as the second stage of treatment, and this was 3 months after the accident. “ACL and PCL repair wasn’t technically possible in the first stage of treatment, as her knee-joint capsule had been completely disrupted,” explains Dr. Mujeeb.
Following the surgery, the patient’s knee became fully stable with preserved range of movement in the 0-90◦ range. “She is expected to initially mobilize with knee-brace support and crutches for one month, and then, independently. She will also undergo physiotherapy during this period,” Dr. Mujeeb said.
The patient said that she had initially considered options in Europe and the UAE for treatment, before finally choosing Thumbay Hospital – Ajman. “We zeroed-in on Thumbay Hospital – Ajman impressed by its expert doctors, excellent facilities and affordability. My son who is a doctor in Nigeria helped us make the final decision,” she said.
Thumbay Hospitals are considered the pioneers of medical tourism in the UAE. All Thumbay Hospitals in the UAE as well as Thumbay Hospital – Hyderabad, India attract medical tourists from around the world. The hospitals have full-fledged medical tourism departments. Thumbay Medical Tourism (TMT) is Thumbay Group’s award-winning medical tourism initiative focuses on marketing world-class healthcare services to international patients through innovative methods. Thumbay Hospital is also a proud partner in the Dubai Health Experience (DXH), the prestige brand conceived by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) to strengthen the position of Dubai on the world map of medical tourism. TMT has established representative offices in 87 countries, giving further fillip to Thumbay Hospitals’ medical tourism ambitions.